segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

The beginning

Shortly after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sceinces was organized in 1927, a dinner was held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. At this dinner they discussed ways to honor outstanding achievements to encourage higher levels os quality in all areas of motion picture production.

The award would be validated with the delivery of large man standing on a real roll of film, with folded arms and between them a sword. First, the Oscar was made of brass, today however the statutte is sculpted in pewter  and plated with gold and platinum.

The First time the prize was awarded was in 1929 at Hotel Roosevelt Los Angeles. The First paties for the delivery of the statutte were very simple and takes place during lunches and dinners that were held at Luxury Hotels. The winners were chosen by directors of major studios and the press received the list of winners on the same day. However, only the next day the winner were announced. The disclosure agreement of the artist who received an Oscar ten years later was broken by the Los Angeles Times, and from that moment it was decided that those who received  the award have their  name in secret until the moment of announoment.